Welcome to the Dominions 3 Map Repository!
The purpose of this website is to provide a system for Dominions 3 users to easily find custom maps that are rated and quality controlled for download. It also provides map makers with a system for publicity and for feedback.
Use the top navigation bar to find maps based on size.
The categories are:
Small - 2-100 provinces
Med - 101-500 provinces
Large - 501-1000 provinces
XL - 1001+ provinces
New Maps - Any map with fewer than 5 written reviews
Reviewed Maps - Any map that has 5+ reviews, and has an overall rating 0-4. None exist yet.
Elite Maps - Maps that have 5+ reviews and a rating above 4. None exist yet.
Note - I previously used a forum based set-up, but this system seemed to have a few more adantages. I might bring the forum back if people want it.